Friday, October 26, 2012


When my therapist visited this month she told me I'm one of her few families she comes to consistently.  She's always trying to track some of the other mothers down, and asked me what maybe it could be.  I have been thinking about it and I remember how I felt some of the first year.  I didn't love it.  It's not fun to be reminded that your child is behind (you have to start getting some tough skin).  Plus there is the fact if you may have been slacking that month and you feel guilty.  It's like showing up without your homework done, and maybe even worse because you should have been doing better. Come on, you think..this is your child and you love them, and doing therapy is so good for them.  I have learned that I just have to take my feelings out of it.  I'm trying my best here, and sometimes I get busy with life. I have 2 other kids, a consistent mountain of laundry, specialist to see.  Hey we even had Open Heart Surgery. So OK I didn't practice the stairs daily, or sign "more" very often at meal times.  It's not like they are going to fire me, or give me an F. I remind myself I'm probably not the first slacker mom they've seen.  I realized if I just admit to them that signing is very unnatural to me they will just try to help me come up with idea's when I can practice it better.  I will admit it, I hated therapy at first, but now I don't mind it.  I appreciate the therapist Leighton has because they seem to really care if she learns and grows.  They push her, and she may not always love it, but she's getting there.  My new favorite is Group Therapy. (I didn't love that at first either, but kept forcing myself to go anyway)  It's so fun to get to take Leighton to play with other kids.  Meet other Mom's that are in my same boat.  This week they came dressed up. Leighton would not let me get a good picture.  She'll wear it again though so we'll try for a better one.

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