Thursday, February 9, 2012

i'm finally using picasa!

It has been a really busy week so far,
and this girl has been one busy Leighty (lay-dee)
Here's a glimpse of our week so far from my camera lens.....
 Being so patient while Mom made cake for brother's scout project.

Brothers Cake Contest entry. Brother LOVES baseball.  He took 2nd place.

We also made a big pink one for the girls because we had all the stuff out anyway. These girls invited Daddy, and Brother to a tea party last night.  We had Pink Cake, and tea in the form of Grape Juice.  It was so fun. 
  This little girl is still getting gifts!  One of my Mom's friends saw we were visiting my Mom, and she wanted to come see this little girl. She gave her this cute hat and scarf she had made.  She LOVES it, especially the scarf. Thank You Mary! I really couldn't pick a favorite so here's every picture in her new hat and scarf.
 When Leighton was born we got SO many presents.  I was in a state of shock that first month or two. I was so focused on getting her home, and then off oxygen, and then we were worrying about the hole in her heart.  I never got around to Thank You cards. So this is a mass Thank You.  I don't think a baby was ever so welcomed, especially a third child.  Her presents took up half the closet, and 2 of my drawers.  We have so many more things to accomplish by the end of this week. Plus we wont even get to use next week to recover!

1 comment:

  1. She has got to be extra-snuggly in that beautiful hat/scarf combo! How fun to have a tea party together!
