Monday, January 26, 2015

San Francisco...

We just got back from another business trip with Leighton's dad. We are very lucky because the Hubs bosses often include the wives when they travel and we get to accompany him on a lot of business trips.  Leighton has gotten to travel so much and experience so many places in her 3 years of life. 

This last trip took us to San Francisco.

It was a fun adventure and we had a little glimpse of city living. 

We were a rare commodity (ladies with strollers) and I would have to say the locals were very helpful when we took the cable cars. We also got to experience tiny living in the smallest hotel room we have ever seen. We were very cramped and found fun ways to fit a stroller, carseat, 3 large suitcases, and crib into a room that barely fit the bed and desk in.  Daddy bumped his knee or shine into the bed at least twice a day. The plus side of the tiny room, was first, we wanted to spend as little time as possible there.  Second Leighton couldn't really do any damage because it took her two minutes to explore the place so she enjoyed Disney channel on the bed with the TV so close it was almost right in her face.  Leighton was the luckiest girl because she was able to ride the Ferry two of the days. She really really loves being on boats. 

First we went on a tour of Alcatraz.

The next day we took a Ferry to Sausalito and  It was a "Charming" Town, but we didn't have much time there because we wanted to get back to visit our Northern Cali family, and the Ferry went less often on the weekends.

Then that night we got to go to a party on the field at AT & T ball park.  It was a really fun experience. We put Leighton down on the field and she dragged her daddy right over the the Farris Wheel.  They had carnival games, food tents, a big stage. If you wanted to you got to go hit ball in their batting cages and a coach would help with your swing. Leighton can now say she rode a Ferris wheel in the outfield. Its was a really fun experience.

It was a great trip, but its also nice to be back with the other munchkins. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Education Plan...

Its been awhile since I've written anything but life updates, but I've been thinking about things lately.  So here's one of them.  Leighton's "typical" pre-school didn't work out. I hear so much to treat her like my other children that I just assumed that the pre-school I put my other kids in was the way to go, but it wasn't. What I didn't count on when pushing for treating my child like her typical peers is that there are some things we will need to adapt and If you don't have a willing teacher, it's not going to work. The hard thing is you will see teachers adapt for the bully, the mommy clinger, the stingy toy hoarder. You see your child is actually very intelligent and she isn't pitching fits when she gets left. She doesn't beat up or bully the other kids, but she's kicked out because whats difficult to handle with her isn't considered "typical"behavior.  That mixed with the tag of Special Needs, and your easy to remove from a situation.  So for now we are happy she has her special needs preschool. The teachers are so excited to see her when she goes. She hugs her teacher so tight when she gets dropped off and she blows her and the aides kisses when she leaves and I think…..Hey she's going to school just like kids her age, and maybe this is the best place for her. She's happy, and they are willing to adapt to what she needs so she's included and learning.  She doesn't have to feel different there because she fits in. She has therapist, and aides that help her to progress.  I hear so much positive to push for mainstreaming our kids in school that it was kind of hard on me when it didn't work out. I'm sad that all the positive opportunities for the other kids and Leighton to learn from each other aren't happening, but we can address it again next year. Maybe with another teacher who is willing to adapt teaching methods, and include her.  I have to admit the situation has made me a little gun shy.  I haven't taken Leighton to her new church class (Sunbeams) yet. My first excuse is the sicknesses going around this year are bad, but there is this other reason too. What if the teacher isn't really willing for her to be there? How is it going to feel to get kicked out of church class or know the teacher is disappointed when she shows up. With preschool I could see a look cross her teachers face when we came that she wasn't excited for Leighton to show up.  I chalked it up to my own fears until Her brother came to drop her off with me and he said it to me...I don't think she's happy Leighton's here mom. I tried a dance class with her too, and the teacher seemed excited to have her, but what if a few months in it's the same thing?  It's really hard for me even though she doesn't get it.  My point of writing this is, from here on out,  I'm going to try to find things that are the right things for Leighton. So I won't feel guilty if mainstreaming doesn't work for my child, because it works for someone else's.  Typical or adaptive, I want positive experiences for Leighton. This is what I've learned from schooling with Leighton so far. I'm going for a personalized education plan. 

and also some Christmas Instagrams