Sunday, February 26, 2012

baby notes.

Mom thought it would be fun if I wrote a post since this is my blog and all.  This week has been pretty great.  I haven't had to go to the doctor once! That is a big deal, I don't like going to the Doctor.  Plus he wears glasses (which I think are cool on my Grandma, and I look super chic in them). You need to use caution and watch out when you see men in them, because he's probably a doctor, and you know a shot is soon to follow.  I didn't even have any therapist visit me, so Mom and I stayed home a lot. We did fun things like eat lots of snacks. 
I love store bought baby food snacks, but I hate store bought baby food.  I like the kind of baby food Mom makes from scratch. She has this cool thing that has a handle and she cranks it, and I get good things like spaghetti.  Mom says she doesn't blame me.  Even she knows baby food doesn't taste like the real deal.  She would rather just smash up half a banana.  Plus its saves her some cash, which Dad really likes.  I think most daddies like to save cash. We got to go on a walk this week. It was really fun.  Mom thought I looked adorable in my hoodie, but I wasn't on modeling duty, so I refused to pose for the camera.  
Sorry Mom!  Even super models need some time off. I also got my first haircut last weekend.  It wasn't even a big deal, just a trim along my neck.  I love my hair dresser.  She is Mom's friend, and way fun. I even let her hold me after, and I didn't even cry while she cut my hair.  Mom says mullets are not a good look on girls.  I guess I believe her, cause look how cute my hair looks today!
Mom gave me a "blowout" and I clapped when she was done, because I love how my baby bob is starting to look.  

I also got some new toys this week.  
 It was really cool.  We got a knock on the door, and a big box was on our step. Mom says it's called Amazon. She's a big fan because it saves money on tax and She even gets free delivery. More saving money again, your welcome Dad! Well I better go, it's time for a bah bah, and maybe a snooze.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

photo shoot.

We always pull the camera out for Leighton because she is always being so dang cute! I was thinking she looked cute in her new PJ's so we started taking pictures.
and then bro and sis put this Santa hat on her.
She obviously didn't love it, but she still looks cute even if she wont smile in it.

and this is today doing her "tin can therapy" 
 she is supposed to drop the lids in the can, but she likes to bang them on the can and make a lot of noise instead.  She does do it sometimes, but I think it could be a fluke or maybe it's to get me to leave her alone about it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Do Carpe Diem..

   Did you see the Don't Carpe Diem article? I know it was all over my facebook page.  After the 5th one I figured I better take some time to read it. When I read the article I felt like these Grandmas got a bad wrap.  My Mom is always telling me how fast my kids will grow up, and to enjoy it. I had one Grandma tell me once "raising kids is long days, but short years" and I loved that.  I was like yes! You are so right, and I have never forgotten it!  You have days when you are just counting down the time until you can finally put your kids to bed, but it feels like a snap of your fingers and your baby turned 9 years, 6 years, 10 months.  
   When I hear this comment I don't take it as: you better be enjoying every single moment of this! I think these Moms know better the anyone that motherhood is full of days when your just making in through by the skin of your teeth. They know how easy it is to get caught up in the muddle and not enjoy the beauty of the situation until it's to late. I think they are saying make sure you come up for air. Make sure you come out of the muck, poop, and throw up every once and a while. Look at your children and appreciate how beautiful they are.  Document their accomplishments. Take pictures of them peacefully sleeping, so you can remember your angels, when their not such angels anymore.  Because that is going to happen faster then you think. 
  The end of last year I was thinking how did it become December already? Did I find any happiness this year or was I just surviving? I know its easy when you have a new baby to just survive. I did find a lot of Joy last year, but I didn't feel like I took the time to acknowledge it, or savor it.  I didn't take a step back from the muddle and say Wow, now this is living!  I have made it my goal this year, my one and only.  

 Find the Joy, and acknowledge it to yourself.  

   When I was stressed out helping my son make those baseball cake pops, I took a step back when I realized I was freaking out because he we mixing red chocolate into the white chocolate.  I took a deep breath and said to myself this is supposed to be fun, and tried to calmly tell him to try and not do that anymore.  For Valentines Sister wanted a fancy dinner on fancy plates.  Husband and I didn't want to wait all night eating out, and plus it was a school night, and we went out "officially" the next night.  I finally pulled my china out of the boxes, and decided if not now when? It's not like I'll be entertaining the queen anytime soon or ever, and this is what it's for.  A new Valentines tradition has hopefully been started. We ate a fancy meal on fancy plates served out of fancy bowls.  It was fun, and we made it fun from the start when we looked at recipes. It was even fun to find more authentic fancy fettuccine noodles while we were grocery shopping. It was a lot of work, but it was something out of the ordinary, and now we are pros at making made from scratch salad dressing.  
   So instead of being annoyed by the Grandmas telling you to enjoy your children, take it as a reminder. Step back and ask yourself have I taken anytime this day, week, month, year to find joy in my children? Find Joy in my life?  It doesn't have to be a fancy vacation, a new outfit (all though those are pretty joyful), take a moment to enjoy your children. Even if it has to come in the form of watching them while they sleep on a really rough day. Create moments of Joy for you and your children, make memories with them so they can say to each other....Do remember that valentines when we ate on Moms china, and she didn't cook the pasta long enough, and you had the stomach flu?  That was fun/ funny! So Do Carpe Diem!

My joyful pictures from this week.
Leights in Shades...

You know how when it gets quite it is usually something bad? Well it was actually something good this morning. They were all in bed, and brother was reading to his sisters.  Leighton was in Heaven.
top one was uh oh, we got caught!
Then she figured out Mom was happy about the situation. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rub a Dub..

it's Baby supermodel and she loves her tub!
This has always been one of Leighton's favorite things to do. She has always loved the bath. The first time I bathed her She got in the water and was like Ahhh, this is the life Mom! What's better the a nice warm bath to help you relax from the stresses of the day?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

i'm finally using picasa!

It has been a really busy week so far,
and this girl has been one busy Leighty (lay-dee)
Here's a glimpse of our week so far from my camera lens.....
 Being so patient while Mom made cake for brother's scout project.

Brothers Cake Contest entry. Brother LOVES baseball.  He took 2nd place.

We also made a big pink one for the girls because we had all the stuff out anyway. These girls invited Daddy, and Brother to a tea party last night.  We had Pink Cake, and tea in the form of Grape Juice.  It was so fun. 
  This little girl is still getting gifts!  One of my Mom's friends saw we were visiting my Mom, and she wanted to come see this little girl. She gave her this cute hat and scarf she had made.  She LOVES it, especially the scarf. Thank You Mary! I really couldn't pick a favorite so here's every picture in her new hat and scarf.
 When Leighton was born we got SO many presents.  I was in a state of shock that first month or two. I was so focused on getting her home, and then off oxygen, and then we were worrying about the hole in her heart.  I never got around to Thank You cards. So this is a mass Thank You.  I don't think a baby was ever so welcomed, especially a third child.  Her presents took up half the closet, and 2 of my drawers.  We have so many more things to accomplish by the end of this week. Plus we wont even get to use next week to recover!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A whole lot of Lovin!

 Since It's the month of Love I'm posting on 
3 things I am loving right now. 
(besides this girl)
  •  The Pioneer Women.  I know she's not new. I've had her cookbook, thanks to my cousin,  for a really long time now. It's just that have recently come to the knowledge that I always love every recipe I make of her's.  She must be my kind of Lady, and I get recipe's from her blog all the time too.  I made this tonight and if your looking for something to feed your honey for Valentines this recipe is it (husband LOVED it. He scraped his plate clean, and mine didn't even look as pur-ty as her's).  
Also I swapped out the Wine for 3/4 C of grape juice, and 1tsp of red wine vinegar 
(We don't keep wine on hand for cooking and such). 
  • Leighton's relationship with her daddy. She used to be all mine, but she has started getting really excited when her Daddy gets home from work.  She is just like her Bro and Sis with how she reacts to him.  Pretty soon she will be yelling Daddy and jumping into his arms along with them. She does it now in her own way (flapping her arms, and kicking her legs, and laughing).  Don't worry I'm still her favorite though.  She always comes back to mama pretty fast.  

  • Colored skinny jeans.  Now I don't know if you'll be seeing me in them anytime soon, but look forward to seeing Leights rocking this baby gap pair

         this summer (got 30% off them and I really love that too).  These are the ones that I have hung up patiently waiting for her to grow into.  Don't worry I'm loving her this size and not wishing the time by. 

So I guess that's my top 3 Favorites right now.  
 What are yours? 
Because I can always use some more new favorites!

Friday, February 3, 2012

a day in my life

Sometimes I wish certain negative people got to spend a day in my life, and in my heart.  I have been hearing lately about people who tell Mom's with Ds kids that there life will be like "this" or "that" it will be horrible, and hard.  They wonder how you could find love, or happiness with these kids.  They can't look past the negative assumptions,  or the medical issues. They think if we're not sitting here dwelling on the negative saying this is horrible, hard, and the worst then we are lying.  We're not showing you all aspects. Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing something with Leighton.  Am I the one refusing to take off my rose colored glasses. I know plenty of Mom's with older Ds kids and they all say things like.....This is my best behaving child, Oh my gosh your so lucky! I have a Ds child too and He's 35 doing this amazing thing! Aren't they the best, My brother with Ds is in college now, and he served a mission. Of course I'm like YES, YES, YES! I have so much to hope for with Leighton.  
 So let's get to the truth.  Do I have days where I want to shut myself in my house because I have just been to the cardiologist and I found out my baby girl will be getting open heart surgery this spring. Yep! Sometimes I just think of it and I get a little depressed. It's no different then when any other Mom gets this type of news about her regular Chromosome count child.  Should I focus on the fact she might get Leukemia, go deaf, be teased by others?  What does focusing on that do for me? Nobody judges the fact that I don't do that with my other kids. I could go insane with the things I can imagine happening to my other kids as well. Let's be honest sometimes I do go there, and it's not fun. With my kids I need to live in the moment, and not always focus on the WHAT IF'S.  So for the moment we are focusing on getting her heart well.  Celebrating all the babble she does, sitting up, flailing her arms and legs while giggling when daddy gets home at night.  We are enjoying kissing her, making her laugh, dressing her adorable, playing with her, and clapping at her new milestones.  

 Why shouldn't she have dreams,  and talents to discover and cultivate. She needs her Mama to focus on the positive.  I believe she can accomplish things no one would expect.  So stop it you negative Ned's. Just because were finding joy in what has happened doesn't mean were pulling the wool over your eyes.   Us special needs mama's are not blind to the things that can happen.  We know better then anyone about the hard road up ahead. You don't have to understand it, but keep the negative to yourself because it doesn't help anyone.  Come on! Is it really that hard to believe our little family loves this girl? I get to wake up to this smile EVERYDAY! 
 I mean every single morning I come to her crib and I see that same face. Poor me. I truly feel its just an extra chromosome of awesomeness?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

of Leight or Late

So I like to give myself therapy, and from my diagnosis, I've come to the conclusion I'm impulsive.  This isn't a recent discovery, but I'm willing to admit it here.  Leighty was the lucky recipient of this behavior yesterday.   The long of the short (is that how you use that?) is my Son has been saying he has been missing time with his Mama so I decided to let my kids sluff school for a day *side note:  kindergartner has surpassed what she needs to have mastered by end of kindergarten, and bro is getting really good grades....I just got a note he has jumped 4 reading levels, thank you a wrinkle in time and I figured their doing awesome in school, but we need to have some fun.  So we hit the mall, went to Gap and bought sunglasses for the little chicks, and got the mister a new tie from nordstroms (super cheap). Hit the food court for lunch, and witnessed some appalling behavior by some teenagers who made fun of an Autisic Man....bro noticed and told me that was rude and we decided their behavior was really ugly.  Walked through the Disney store, and realized we missed Disneyland. The impulsive behavior was when we went past Icing, and I realized Leighty love is sitting up so well (like 10 minutes or longer) 
 so she can totally get her ears piercedSo asked her siblings if we should do it, and they thought it was an awesome idea, 
 and now Leights has these!
I don't regret that I've done this. Leighton should be like every other girl and have earrings, tutus, and nail polish. I did it this early with her sister, and I have NEVER regretted it, but it made her look so pretty, and a little older, and her looking a little older I wasn't ready for.  I had a tinny cry over it yesterday....She is just growing up to fast for me.  I know what it feels like when you wake up and realize your baby is NINE, I mean when did that happen? So I've been so lucky to have this little girl that grows slowly, and develops a little later to savor, but the time is still going to fast, and then I pierced her ears, and she all the sudden isn't an infant she feels more solid.  You probably know that feeling? You kiss their heads, and its suddenly formed. That forehead is rock solid!  She likes them though, and she looks so adorable! She such a silly little Miss,
 and I'm sure I will cry more then a few more times about my kids growing to fast.  Yes being a Mom sucks at times like when your cleaning throw up off the mattress, or cleaning up that blow out that went all over the car seat, and your giving your babes a wet wipe bath because it even went in her hair while nosy onlookers are checking you out in that 0 degree weather at Walmart. Mostly it's the best though!