Mom thought it would be fun if I wrote a post since this is my blog and all. This week has been pretty great. I haven't had to go to the doctor once! That is a big deal, I don't like going to the Doctor. Plus he wears glasses (which I think are cool on my Grandma, and I look super chic in them). You need to use caution and watch out when you see men in them, because he's probably a doctor, and you know a shot is soon to follow. I didn't even have any therapist visit me, so Mom and I stayed home a lot. We did fun things like eat lots of snacks.
I love store bought baby food snacks, but I hate store bought baby food. I like the kind of baby food Mom makes from scratch. She has this cool thing that has a handle and she cranks it, and I get good things like spaghetti. Mom says she doesn't blame me. Even she knows baby food doesn't taste like the real deal. She would rather just smash up half a banana. Plus its saves her some cash, which Dad really likes. I think most daddies like to save cash. We got to go on a walk this week. It was really fun. Mom thought I looked adorable in my hoodie, but I wasn't on modeling duty, so I refused to pose for the camera.
Sorry Mom! Even super models need some time off. I also got my first haircut last weekend. It wasn't even a big deal, just a trim along my neck. I love my hair dresser. She is Mom's friend, and way fun. I even let her hold me after, and I didn't even cry while she cut my hair. Mom says mullets are not a good look on girls. I guess I believe her, cause look how cute my hair looks today!
Mom gave me a "blowout" and I clapped when she was done, because I love how my baby bob is starting to look.
I also got some new toys this week.
It was really cool. We got a knock on the door, and a big box was on our step. Mom says it's called Amazon. She's a big fan because it saves money on tax and She even gets free delivery. More saving money again, your welcome Dad! Well I better go, it's time for a bah bah, and maybe a snooze.